Dear NDSC Affiliate,
We invite you to view a few videos of persons with disabilities and their families. Two of the videos feature individuals with Down syndrome (Emily and Abby). The professionally produced videos are the first in the Possibilities Series.
Abby Loy (DS): http://youtu.be/ELUbi2zhUNk
Emily Diebolt (DS): http://youtu.be/1wdNPlXsfCc
The Possibilities Series of videos focuses on the lives and accomplishments of individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities. Each 4-7 minute video highlights one individual’s journey, along with their family and friends, and shows the myriad possibilities and options that all people have as they grow up, become independent, and pursue their life’s dreams and goals.
The purpose of the Possibilities Series is to present a vision of how individuals with disabilities and their families can lead the lives that they envision, without barriers and in the direction they truly wish to go. The hope is that these films are viewed and used by anyone who wants to explore all of the possibilities that their lives may hold!
The first installment of the Possibilities Series (2012) has been produced by the Developmental Disabilities Institute at Wayne State University in Michigan and filmed and edited by Avalon films.
We are hopeful the video series provides insight and inspiration to all viewers, and especially to families of children with disabilities. Enjoy, share the link(s), or post to your Facebook or webpage!
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