In a REDS season of mostly sweetness and light, maybe the sweetest and lightest thing of all happened on Aug. 17.
A young man with Down syndrome who really wasn’t supposed to be the batboy – not in the typical sense of the word, anyway – put some spring in the Reds’ steps.
The remarkable thing wasn’t that Teddy Kremer retrieved bats and foul balls and brought baseballs to the home plate umpire, it is that he did it with such aplomb, gusto and unbridled joy.
“They all could tell that Teddy is a guy who never has a bad day. How can you not love a guy like that?”
But if you know Ted – that’s what he likes being called, even though everybody calls him Teddy – it wasn’t remarkable at all.
Teddy was just being himself.
Click here to read the rest of the story.
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